Resilient Futures Podcast (Formerly Future Cities)
Resilient Futures is a monthly podcast on all things resilience! The show examines this topic by discussing ongoing research, highlighting current efforts, and sharing stories of resilience in diverse contexts across the world! By exploring a wide variety of perspectives, the show digs deep into understanding the many dimensions of resilience. New episodes will be released at the start of every month. If you have questions about things we've discussed or have suggestions for future episodes, please e-mail us at or send us a message on Twitter @RFuturesPod. (This podcast was previously named Future Cities.)
Resilient Futures Podcast (Formerly Future Cities)
Dynamic Criticality for Infrastructure Prioritization
Dynamic Criticality is the idea that organizations must constantly reform their priorities in the face of volatile environments to maintain an adaptive state. Infrastructure research has yet to identify competencies that might aid infrastructure organizations in achieving dynamic criticality. Ryan Hoff discusses how competencies from other organizations can inform how infrastructure managers can better prepare their organizations to shift priorities in the face of disturbances.
Suggested Readings:
Dynamic Criticality article
Susan Clark’s work
Mikhail Chester’s governance work
Mikhail Chester’s autopoiesis work
Book rec: The Black Swan by Taleb
Follow our guest on Twitter: @RyanMHoff
If you have questions, comments, or suggestions for future episodes, e-mail us at or find us on Twitter @FutureCitiesPod. Learn more about the NATURA project at